T-DOSE 2024

Registraties zijn gesloten
T-DOSE 2024 will happen on 1 and 2 June, at the Weeffabriek in Geldrop (near Eindhoven).

Add T-DOSE 2024 to your calendar: iCalendar event.

Visit our news section for all the latest updates.

T-DOSE is a free and yearly event held in The Netherlands to promote use and development of Open Source Software. During this event, Open Source projects, developers and visitors can exchange ideas and knowledge.

For an impression of the event, have a look at the photos and schedule from last year.

Datum & Tijd
zaterdag 1 juni 2024
Start - 07:30 (UTC)
zondag 2 juni 2024
Einde - 15:30 (UTC)


Molenstraat 23, Weeffabriek
5664 HV Geldrop
Krijg de routebeschrijving



Zoek uit wat mensen zien en zeggen over dit evenement, en neem deel aan de conversatie.