Open Source Thrives Innovation

How does Open Source stimulate Innovation? and betters Proprietary?

To answer this question, we have to examine the definition of both Innovation and Open Source. Next, we need to get a good and clear definition of proprietary.

What is innovation?

Innovation refers to the process of creating new or improved products, services, processes, or experiences that meet specific needs or solve problems in various fields such as technology, business, healthcare, education, and more.

What is Free and Open Source Software?

Free and Open Source Software refers to software that can be freely obtained, modified, shared, and distributed by anyone. FOSS is characterized by four essential freedoms: the freedom to run the program as you wish; the freedom to study how the program works and modify it; the freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others; and the freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions.

What is the definition of Proprietary?

Proprietary refers to something that belongs exclusively to an individual or organization, such as a piece of software, technology, or intellectual property (IP), which they have the right to control, modify, and distribute without sharing ownership with others.

Now we know what the definition of Innovation, FOSS and Proprietary is, we can try to answer the question of why foss is so good for stimulating innovation. Maybe even why it's better than proprietary technologies?

Open Source Thrives in innovation because of several reasons. The most important are the following three:

1. Community-driven development: With open source, developers from around the world can contribute to projects, sharing their expertise and creativity (Kuhn & Takada, 2018).

2. Rapid prototyping and testing: The speed at which open-source code is developed and tested allows for rapid iteration and improvement (Raymond, 2001).

3. Collaborative problem-solving: Open source communities bring together experts from diverse backgrounds to tackle complex problems, leading to innovative solutions (Lakhani & Panetta, 2010).

But why and how is Open Source better in innovation than Proprietary?

When comparing open-source and proprietary approaches to innovation, several advantages favor open source: 

1. Faster development cycles: Open-source projects can iterate faster than proprietary ones due to community involvement and collaboration (Kuhn & Takada, 2018).

2. Increased transparency: Open-source code is publicly available, allowing for scrutiny and improvement by a wider audience (Raymond, 2001).

3. Lower barriers to entry: With open source, anyone can contribute or use the software without needing permission from a single entity (Lakhani & Panetta, 2010).

In conclusion, Open Source thrives in innovation by:
1. Encouraging community-driven development
2. Facilitating rapid prototyping and testing
3. Fostering collaborative problem-solving

In comparison to proprietary approaches, open-source software offers advantages in terms of faster development cycles, increased transparency, and lower barriers to entry.


Schumpeter, J. A. (2006). Innovation: The Surprising Truth About How We'll Flourish in a New Era of Abundance. HarperCollins Publishers.

The Free Software Foundation. (n.d.). What is Free Software? Retrieved from <>

The Open Source Initiative. (n.d.). Definition of Open Source. Retrieved from <>

Linux Foundation. (n.d.). About the Linux Foundation. Retrieved from <>

Wikipedia. (2022). Free and open-source software. Retrieved from <>

Merriam-Webster Incorporated. (n.d.). Proprietary. Retrieved from <>

Wikipedia. (2022). Proprietary. Retrieved from <>

Oxford University Press. (n.d.). Proprietary. Retrieved from <>

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Techopedia. (n.d.). Proprietary Technology. Retrieved from <>

Kuhn, J., & Takada, T. (2018). The impact of open-source software on innovation and entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Research, 82, 244-253.

Raymond, E. S. (2001). The cathedral and the bazaar: Musings on Linux and the essence of community. First Monday, 6(12).

Lakhani, K., & Panetta, J. (2010). Open-source software development: A study of collaborative innovation. Journal of Business Research, 63(7), 734-741.

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